Busitema University has announced a scholarship program in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation.The scholarship program focuses on supporting young women in STEM fields, refugees, and students with disabilities who are currently enrolled at the university.The scholarship package covers full tuition and functional fees, accommodation and upkeep, specialized assistive devices for students with disabilities, psychosocial support and mentorship, work readiness and entrepreneurship training, and internship opportunities. According to Professor Jessica Aguti, one of the program coordinators, the programme will retain students who might otherwise struggle to complete their education due to various challenges. Applicants must submit a completed application form, student ID, scholarship essay, and a recommendation letter from a faculty lecturer.The university has encouraged eligible students to apply before the March 2nd deadline.Interested students can access the application portal through the university’s official channels or view the poster below for more details.The post Guide: How to Apply for Scholarship Opportunities at Busitema University was written by the awesome team at Campus Bee.