A road stretch of 500-metre length is considered a black spot if in a span of three successive calendar years, either five fatal road accidents/five grievous injuries or 10 deaths have occurred in road accidents. (Express Photo)The number of “black spots” in Chandigarh has come down to three from five in 2021-2023, thanks to the cameras of Intelligent Traffic Management Systems (ITMS) and the tightening of noose around habitual traffic violators.“The number of black spots in the city was 15 in 2016-2019, which was reduced to five in 2021-2023. Now the number has been brought down to three,” said SSP (Traffic Police) Sumer Pratap Singh.A road stretch of 500-metre length is considered a black spot if in a span of three successive calendar years, either five fatal road accidents/five grievous injuries or 10 deaths have occurred in road accidents.As per the Chandigarh Traffic Police, in the block year (2021-23), five “black spots” existed: Airport Light Point, Poultry Farm Chowk, Kala Gram Light Point, Transport Light Point, and Shastri Nagar Light Point.The SSP said that with the joint efforts of all units of traffic police, “we have successfully reduced these from five to three in block year (2022-24)”. They are Airport Light Point, Poultry Farm Chowk, and Kala Gram Light Point.A senior Traffic Police officer said that awareness, enforcement, liaising with engineering department, increased presence and more deployment of policemen on black spots, and installation of ITMS cameras, have contributed in bringing down the number of fatalities and accidents at the black spots, which further reduced the number of black spots to three.“Our continued endeavour will be to make it zero in coming years and make Chandigarh roads safest for road commuters in India,” said the SSP.Story continues below this adThe police officer said that driving licence of traffic violators for speeding, red light jumping, use of mobile phone while driving, drunken driving, is confiscated from time to time, which has led to bringing down the number of accidents.Recently, the Traffic Police had identified a man violating traffic rules for 269 times in the city, and was later fined Rs 53,800 by the court.The violator was also awarded 15 days’ community service at any traffic signal in the city.© The Indian Express Pvt LtdTags:chandigarh