Feb. 24, 2025 1:50 PM ETHartford International Equity Fund A (HDVAX), HDVCX, HDVFX, HDVIX, HDVRX, HDVSX, HDVTX, HDVVX, HDVYXSPOT, SBGSF, SBGSY, SAP, AZN, AZNCF, PDYPY, FLUT, EBKOF, EBKDY, ASML, KYCCF, CAPMF, CGEMY, HHMAX, HHMCX, HHMFX, HHMIX, HHMYX, HWDAX, HWDCX, HWDFX, HWDIX, HWDRX, STWVX, HFKCX, HFKFX, STWTX, HFKVX, HFKYX, ITBAX, HABCX, ITBFX, ITBIX, ITBRX, ITBUX, ITBTX, ITBVX, HABYX, HSNAX, HSNCX, HSNFX, HSNIX, HSNRX, HSNSX, HSNTX, HSNVX, HSNYX, HNCAX, HNCCX, HNCFX, HNCJX, HNCRX, HNCSX, HNCTX, HNCUX, HNCYX, HMKAX, HMKCX, HMKFX, HMKIX, HGXAX, HGXCX, HGXFX, HGXIX, HGXRX, HGXSX, HGXTX, HGXVX, HGXYX, HAHAX, HAHCX, HAHFX, HAHIX, HAHRX, HAHSX, HAHTX, HAHVX, HAHYX, HRAAX, HRACX, HRAFX, HRAIX, HRARX, HRASX, HRATX, HIPAX, HIPCX, HIPFX, HIPIX, HIPRX, HIPSX, HIPTX, HIPYX, ITTAX, HAFCX, ITTFX, ITTIX, ITTRX, ITTSX, ITTTX, ITTVX, IHAYX, HMJAX, HMJCX, HMJFX, HMJIX, HERAX, HERCX, HERFX, HERIX, HERRX, HERSX, HERTX, HERVX, HERYX, HBAAX, HBACX, HBADX, HBAIX, HBARX, HBASX, HBATX, HCKAX, HCKCX, HCKFX, HCKIX, HCKRX, HCKSX, HCKTX, HMVAX, HMVCX, HMVFX, HMVJX, HMVRX, HMVSX, HMVTX, HMVUX, HMVYX, HEOTX, HEOVX, HEOYX, HFLAX, HFLCX, HFLFX, HFLIX, HFLRX, HFLSX, HFLTX, HFLYX, HSRT, ITHAX, HCACX, HCAFX, ITHIX, ITHRX, ITHSX, ITHTX, ITHVX, HCAYX, IHGIX, HDGCX, HDGFX, HDGIX, HDGRX, HDGSX, HDGTX, HDGVX, HDGYX, HBLAX, HBLCX, HBLFX, HBLIX, HBLRX, HBLSX, HBLTX, HBLVX, HBLYX, HFMCX, HMDCX, HMDFX, HFMIX, HFMRX, HFMSX, HFMTX, HFMVX, HMDYX, HAIAX, HGICX, HGIFX, HGIIX, HDVAX, HDVCX, HDVFX, HDVIX, HDVRX, HDVSX, HDVTX, HDVVX, HDVYXHartford Funds58 Followers(4min)SummaryHartford International Equity Fund (I share) outperformed the MSCI ACWI ex-US during the quarter.Security selection contributed to relative performance, as strong selection in the communication services and healthcare sectors was partially offset by weaker selection in the financials and energy sectors.While equities rose during the year and capped a strong two-year rally, we remain mindful of uncertainties that could jostle markets.Martin BarraudMarket OverviewInternational equities fell in the fourth quarter. Prospects for a soft landing remained intact as markets navigated central bank policy updates, heightened geopolitical risks, and political uncertainty. President Donald Trump’s reelection victory and the Republican Party’s sweep of bothThis article was written byHartford Funds58 FollowersHartford Funds offers a broad range of actively managed and systematic-investing strategies designed to provide solutions for a variety of investment needs. Articles published here provide readers with timely insight on economic, market, and investing trends. For more information visit hartfordfunds.com.CommentsRecommended For You