I’ve Tried Over 20 Different Bibs With My 3 Children—and This Is the One That Works Best

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Babies are messy. Very messy.Milk, goopy baby food, poop, vomit, pee—all of it threatens to stain their clothes. I’ve gotten frustrated with myself for changing my soon-to-be toddler’s clothes too close to mealtime and ending up with liquified butternut squash splattered all over her fresh outfit.My daughter, Jade, has finally gotten my Christmas wish—her two bottom teeth. This means that, in addition to the various liquid substances that wind up on her outfits, excessive amounts of drool soaks the front of her onesies.But I’m an experienced parent—Jade is my third child—so I’ve been prepared for this moment since before she was born. Even the baby shower was smaller and the gifts more pointed. I knew I wanted absorbent cloth bibs, but I had yet to find a favorite, that is until a close friend gifted us the KeaBabies Urban Drool Bibs.At the beginning of Jade’s life, we didn’t use many bibs. She was primarily breastfed, and there wasn’t much milk dripping out of her mouth during nursing sessions. I’d also go under her chin with a wipe to make sure it was clean.But once my husband, Dominique, and I began leaning more into bottle feeding, the milk from a bottle nipple flowed differently than the milk from my breast. This created more opportunities for milk to land in places other than her mouth. We began to put our collection of dainty bibs—some covered with ladybugs, others with Minnie Mouse silhouettes—around her neck.They worked fine. But as Jade began to eat solids—a cue that she was evolving from the squinting, squirming little one I’d given birth to months earlier—I needed a bib that could stop food from covering her clothes, be used to effectively wipe her face, and withstand her attempts to yank it off.And on those scores, the KeaBabies Urban Drool Bib is a dream.