‘Among Us 3D’ Adds a Whole New Layer of Suspense to Its Gameplay (Demo Impressions)

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Among Us certainly isn’t the first social deduction game, but it undoubtedly reignited the craze for them while we were all stuck inside in early 2020. While its original 2D format still retains the unique charm it’s always had, the release of Among Us VR is what really changed the game for the better. I remember strapping on the ol’ headset as soon as it released and diving in, reliving the same hilarity as before but, this time, with an added dimension of perspective. Among Us 3D is essentially that same game, but now compatible with or without a VR headset.I played a fair bit of Among Us VR when it initially released. But it wasn’t until today, as I played the demo for Among Us 3D, that I realized just how important that new perspective really is and how much more fun it makes it.Among Us 3D works much like you’d expect. You boot up the game, fiddle with a couple of settings, and matchmake into a lobby. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a lobby full of potential crewmates ready to go. Other times, you may join a relatively empty lobby, as the demo doesn’t share the same servers as the Among Us VR client just yet.‘Among Us 3D’ makes being a crewmate fun againIn my first game, I was designated as a Crewmate. Not my preferred role, to be honest, as I love lying my way out of suspicion in these games. But I had a job to do – well, several jobs to do, if I wanted to make it out of this ship alive. You’ll see a few familiar tasks returning to the 3D world, like emptying out the garbage shoot and scanning keycards. You’ll also see plenty of new tasks around the ship, like stepping into the restrooms and having to physically plunge out clogs in the toilet. Forgive me if toilet plunging isn’t actually a new thing, it’s been years since I’ve played Among Us.Screenshot: Innersloth LLCI’m minding my own business, going from room to room and completing my tasks, when I stumble into a large room with some kind of console in the middle of it. There’s no one in it and no tasks to complete for me, so I don’t think anything of it. I start heading towards the door, it swiftly opens up, and now I’m face to face with a bright red Crewmate. Anyone who’s played a social deduction game like this knows the feeling. It’s jarring, knowing you’re now alone in an isolated space with what could be your potential killer.“Whoa, hey, buddy,” I say as I back up cautiously. I’m prepared for the worst at this point, so I keep backing up without taking my eyes off Red. As I’m backpedaling, Red starts following me, but remains suspiciously quiet. That console in the middle of the room is panning into my view now, and then, something else catches my eye that I never expected. A dead body next to the console.comedic timing in the third dimensionIt was there the whole time. Someone, whoever the Imposter was, had cleverly killed a Crewmate behind an object and out of plain sight. And if I hadn’t been backed into a corner by who I thought was my killer? That body possibly would have remained hidden for the whole match. I stopped, dead in my tracks, and both Red and I looked at the body. Then we looked at each other.Screenshot: InnerSloth LLCAll I could muster was an “Uhhh…” before both of us burst into laughter. “This is it,” I thought, “I’m absolutely getting launched out of this ship.” I mean, I’m looking so comically guilty that nobody in their right mind would let me stick around. Somehow, I was able to talk my way out of a guilty verdict and continue on. Turns out, neither Red nor I was the killer, as both of us were murdered shortly after that round, and the Imposter took the win.Now, I can’t stop thinking about that moment and how it was only possible because of Among Us 3D‘s shift in perspective. Further limiting your visibility adds a new layer of strategy and investigation. Now, you’ll find yourself looking over your shoulder more times than you’d like to admit. It’s a natural step forward for Among Us, and I can’t wait for more thrills, laughs, and ended friendships.The post ‘Among Us 3D’ Adds a Whole New Layer of Suspense to Its Gameplay (Demo Impressions) appeared first on VICE.