Ford 1D Investment Aggressive CounterTrend Trad

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Ford 1D Investment Aggressive CounterTrend TradFord Motor CompanyBATS:FMishaSuvorovAggressive CounterTrend Trade - short impulse + exhaustion volume + 1/2 correction Calculated affordable stop limit Take profit: 1/3 to 1/2 Month Trend 1/3 to Month T2 1/3 to Year 1/2 Sell F Limit at $14.95 (Good 'til Canceled) Sell F Limit at $11.57 (Good 'til Canceled) Sell F Limit at $10.21 (Good 'til Canceled) Monthly CounterTrend "- short impulse + 1/2 correction - unvolumed T1 + support level + reverse volume approach + volumed manipulation" Yearly Trend "+ long impulse + volumed T2 level + volumed 2Sp+ + weak test"