Perry came out into a world that was completely dark, and it took two whole seconds for him to realize that he didn’t even have a HUD. He took a deep breath, then another, steadying himself. The urge to take off the helmet was immense, but he had no idea if the air outside was breathable. He called for March, and got no response. There was air, he could feel that from moving his arms inside the depowered suit, and he was standing on solid ground, but if there were noises happening beyond the armor, they were being blocked out.He was a sitting duck, and that by itself was a risk, so he unlatched the helmet and removed it, getting his first view of the new world.He wasn’t instantly killed by poisoned air, which was a start. The first breath was dusty and dry, but it was breathable, or at least breathable enough that any problems would take time to manifest.The sky overhead was green with yellow splotches. Perry had never seen a sky like it before, but it instantly struck him as being somewhat sickly. There was no visible sun, but he wasn’t sure whether it was hiding behind the green and yellow, or whether it was merely absent.The land around him was desert, and it instantly called to mind the desert he’d found himself in when he’d gone through that very first portal. Then, he had been in the Mojave, and the sky aside, he thought that this was at least passingly similar, with sandy soil and rocky outcroppings. The air was bone dry and warm, and he could see splashes of purple and yellow from wildflowers, along with a few spiky trees without much in the way of leaves.When he looked around him, he saw that he was standing in what (...)