luciferlaughs:As silly as the nickname ‘’The Taco Bell Strangler’’ sounds, Henry Wallace was one of the most ruthless and feared serial killers in Charlotte, North Carolina, in the early 90s. After murdering his first victim and dumping her body in the woods, he was questioned by police, but they had no evidence to charge him so he was let go. He struck again two years later after picking up a sex worker, only to beat her to death with his own fists once she demanded payment for her services. One year later, he raped and murdered a friend his sister’s and set her body on fire to cover up the crime. His M.O. appeared to be breaking into his victims’ homes, and after sexually assaulting and strangling them, ransacking the house for any valuables he could steal. Often he knew his victims personally and would attend their funerals afterward. Some of his victims were his own coworkers at Taco Bell, hence the moniker. Perhaps one of the most devastating murders was when Henry broke into someone’s apartment and viciously raped the woman living inside as she held onto her baby protectively. He then strangled her to death, and attempted to strangle the child as well, who ultimately survived. The killer was finally arrested on March 13, 1994, and over the course of 12 hours, confessed to the senseless slayings of all ten women in grisly detail. Henry Wallace is currently waiting to be executed.