Unsupervised translation of vascular masks to NIR-II fluorescence images using Attention-Guided generative adversarial networks

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IntroductionNIR-II fluorescence vascular imaging serves as an important tool for understanding the structure and function of human vasculature1,2,3. This technology allows for non-invasive observation of the microstructure of the vascular system, facilitating the exploration of internal physiological functions and aiding in disease diagnosis and the development of appropriate therapeutic regimens4. However, collecting NIR-II medical imaging datasets poses several challenges, including the need for specialized equipment and expertise, as well as the time-consuming and labor-intensive nature of obtaining and annotating medical images5. Therefore, methods are needed to effectively overcome the challenge to advance the application of NIR-II fluorescence vascular imaging technology in cardiovascular disease diagnosis and research.Traditional data augmentation techniques are widely used in the medical field to increase data volume. By applying transformations such as image rotation, scaling, and cropping, these techniques enhance data diversity and partially alleviate data scarcity6. However, since these techniques generate data from existing samples, they often fail to capture the complete distribution of imaging data. In response, deep learning-based data synthesis methods have emerged, showcasing the ability to explore complex nonlinear relationships and generate highly diverse, realistic synthetic data. The retina contains a complex and delicate network of blood vessels, which are an integral part of the body’s overall vascular system. As a result, retinal images bear structural resemblances to vascular images from other body parts. This connection implies that the principles and algorithms utilized in retinal fundus image generation can provide valuable guidance for vascular image generation7. The process of retinal fundus image generation primarily employs GAN and its variants to generate diverse and high-fidelity images. For instance, Costa et al. implemented an adversarial autoencoder to generate realistic vascular trees and obtained relevant retinal images through a GAN8. Similarly, Zhao et al. introduced Tub-GAN and Tub-sGAN, which are suitable for small sample sizes, and capable of generating multiple realistic images based on the same tubular structured annotation9. R-sGAN integrates a nonlinear variant of the Gated Recurrent Unit, embedding the GAN generator within the recurrent neural network’s unit structure. This architecture leverages its recursive properties to produce images in various styles, enhancing versatility10. Saeed et al. combined variational autoencoders (VAEs) and GAN architectures11. They employed multiple VAEs to generate vascular structures and optic discs separately. By employing the sharpening and varying vessels layer, the abundance of vessels in the reconstructed vascular tree is varied, which is then fed into the image translation network implemented by GAN to generate the fundus images. Additionally, Beji et al. proposed a novel framework called Seg2GAN, which combines Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (DCGAN), U-Net, and Pix2pix to generate medical data to improve segmentation quality12. While significant advancements have been made in retinal image generation, research for infrared image synthesis remains limited in the medical field. Keivanmarz et al. introduced a conditional GAN (cGAN) to map RGB vein images to near-infrared (NIR) images for the first time, achieving high accuracy in vein length measurements post-skeletonization13. Researchers have also explored infrared image synthesis across various fields. To enhance target detection capabilities, Abbott et al. integrated object-specific loss into the CycleGAN architecture, facilitating the translation between unpaired RGB and Long-Wave Infrared (LWIR) datasets14. Addressing the scarcity of large annotated datasets for end-to-end tracking in Thermal Infrared (TIR) imaging, Zhang et al. generated a large annotated TIR dataset using image-to-image translation networks like Pix2pix and CycleGAN15. Their findings revealed that deep features trained on synthetic data outperformed those trained on conventional annotated TIR datasets. In another study, MWIRGAN incorporated perceptual loss into CycleGAN to transform visible light images to mid-wave infrared images effectively16. In remote sensing, Illarionova et al. developed a method based on Pix2pix for generating NIR band images from RGB satellite images17. Shukla et al. combines attention-based GANs with a super-resolution module to predict high-resolution NIR images from RGB images, specifically for large-scale plant data generation18. Unlike traditional methods that depend on spectral consistency, Contour GAN introduces spatial constraints for exploring cross-domain translation through contour consistency19. In the realm of automatic lip-reading, Lee et al. employed an enhanced U-Net network to estimate infrared and depth images from RGB inputs, achieving significantly higher recognition rates than using RGB images alone20. In addition to this, researchers have focused on asymmetric mode transformation from near-infrared to visible light. Yan et al. proposed a method for converting NIR images to RGB images using a U-Net-based subnetwork for texture extraction and a CycleGAN-based subnetwork for coloring, ultimately merging the outputs into a final RGB image21. Dou et al. proposed an asymmetric CycleGAN model that addresses the issue of mismatched complexity in transformation domains by employing generators of different sizes22. ACGANs utilize an asymmetric architecture based on cycleGAN, combining UNet and ResNet in the generator, while employing a feature pyramid network in the discriminator to colorize NIR images into RGB images23.Despite these advancements, the lack of available datasets hinders the development of deep learning-based downstream tasks for NIR-II fluorescence vascular imaging. Therefore, an unsupervised NIR-II fluorescence vascular image synthesis method is proposed, aimed at creating a reliable dataset that provides abundant high-quality data for subsequent research and development. The contributions of this work can be summarized as follows:(1) A GAN-based model is designed for the unsupervised translation of vessel masks to NIR-II fluorescence vascular images.(2) An attention mechanism is introduced that effectively integrates style patterns while preserving content structure, thereby enhancing the quality and detail of the generated images.(3) Experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms eight baseline methods in both visual quality and quantitative analysis.The structure of this paper is as follows: Firstly, related works are introduced. Next, a detailed explanation of the proposed method is provided. The Experiment section presents the experimental setup, including the datasets used and the values set for parameters in the experiments. The experimental results are then discussed, comparing our method with other baseline approaches in terms of visual quality and quantitative performance. Finally, the main contributions of this paper are summarized.Related worksGenerative adversarial networkGAN is a non-supervised learning model proposed by Goodfellow et al. in 2014, primarily consisting of a generator network and a discriminator network24. This innovative architecture achieves data synthesis through the adversarial interplay between these two networks. The key to GAN’s success lies in the introduction of adversarial loss, as shown in Eq. 1, which optimizes the generator by minimizing the loss function of the discriminator, thus generating images that are difficult to distinguish from real ones25.$$\mathop {\hbox{min} }\limits_{G} \mathop {\hbox{max} }\limits_{D} V(D,G)={E_{x\sim {p_{data}}(x)}}[\log D(x)]+{E_{z\sim {p_{noise}}(z)}}[\log (1 - D(G(z)))]$$(1)where E(*) denotes the expected value of the distribution function, pdata(x) is the distribution of real samples, and pnoise(z) denotes the low-dimensional noise distribution. G and D are the generator and discriminator, respectively.The development of GAN has led to several classical variants, such as DCGAN26, WGAN (Wasserstein GAN)27, CycleGAN25, and Pix2Pix28. These methods have made significant contributions to improving the quality of the generated images, increasing the stability of training, and broadening the scope of application. Today, GAN has been widely applied in various fields, including image synthesis, image restoration, and representation learning, exerting a profound influence in the field of computer vision.Image synthesisImage synthesis is a crucial task in the field of computer vision, aimed at creating new images from input data such as random noise or conditional information. Traditional image synthesis methods typically rely on models with explicit rules or generate images based on the pixels and feature descriptions of existing images. While these methods are relatively fast and do not require large datasets, they often produce images of lower quality and limited diversity, restricting their application in more complex tasks.With the rapid advancement of deep learning technologies, the concept of end-to-end synthesis has been gradually introduced into the field of image synthesis, significantly enhancing the quality of generated images. Techniques based on GANs29,30, VAEs31, and autoregressive models32 have played a vital role in this domain. Compared to traditional methods, these deep learning models not only generate higher-quality images but also exhibit greater diversity, driving innovation and progress in image synthesis technology.The primary goal of this work is to generate NIR-II fluorescence vascular images that not only align with the style of the target domain but also retain the structural details of the input images. To better understand this task, we compare it with several benchmark methods. Below, we provide a detailed comparison of these methods in the context of our task, and the experiment comparison of subjective visual effect and object evaluation can be seen in Experiment section.DCGAN is one of the earliest GAN architectures, designed for generating images from random noise26, which employed convolution layers and transposed convolution layers as discriminators and generators, respectively33,34. While it demonstrates strong capabilities in producing realistic images, it does not perform domain translation and lacks mechanisms for preserving input image structure. As a result, it is not directly applicable to tasks requiring transformation between two domains. WGAN is a variant of the original GAN, which introduces the Wasserstein distance as the loss function to measure the difference between the generator distribution and the real data distribution27,35. WGAN-GP is an improved version of WGAN, it adds a weight-clipping trick to limit the range of parameters which contributes to the convergence of the loss function36,37. Both WGAN and WGAN-GP enhance training dynamics, but they still struggle to accurately capture complex vessel structures. SAGAN introduces a self-attention mechanism to better model long-range dependencies in images, improving the quality of generated images in terms of global consistency38. While this improves overall detail generation, it may overemphasize global features and neglect the local details necessary for vascular structure preservation. Eigengan represents a cutting-edge approach within the domain of GANs. It incorporates hierarchical feature-vector learning, which enables independent control over specific image attributes at each layer. This technique aims to enhance the understanding and representation of the data distribution, thereby facilitating more effective and stable training of GANs39. While this introduces greater flexibility, it may still fail to maintain the structural integrity of vascular features due to the lack of explicit input vessel guidance.U-GAT-IT employs an encoder-decoder architecture with attention modules and Adaptive Layer-Instance Normalization, enabling it to perform unsupervised image-to-image translation40. The attention mechanism helps the model focus on important features, and the adaptive normalization contributes to the robustness and flexibility of the model, making it effective for tasks such as style transfer and domain adaptation41,42. However, it does not explicitly include a mechanism like cycle-consistency loss to enforce input-output structural consistency, which is crucial for our task. HiSD utilizes hierarchical style disentanglement, which breaks down the attributes of an image into hierarchical levels43. This allows for fine-grained control over different styles, facilitating more flexible and nuanced image transformations. These transformations can range from simple adjustments like color and texture changes to more complex manipulations44. While HiSD could effectively generate diverse outputs and perform nuanced transformations, it focuses on style diversity rather than structural preservation. Consequently, it is less suited for tasks where maintaining the structural integrity of vascular masks is critical.In this work, we employ a CycleGAN-based network to perform domain translation, transforming vascular masks into NIR-II fluorescence vascular images. CycleGAN is specifically designed for unsupervised image-to-image translation tasks, which use the cycle-consistency loss to ensure that the translated images retain the structural content of the input images25. This makes it particularly suitable for tasks requiring style transfer while maintaining the structural fidelity of the input data. For vascular image synthesis, this is critical to preserving the intricate vessel structures during the translation process. In addition to CycleGAN’s inherent advantages, the attention mechanism within the feature network plays a pivotal role in guiding the model to focus on the most important regions of the vascular masks, ensuring that fine details, such as smaller vessels, are preserved in the generated NIR-II fluorescence images. Compared to methods like U-GAT-IT, which have attention mechanisms, the combination of CycleGAN and the attention mechanism is more effective for retaining fine-grained structural features, resulting in more realistic-looking NIR-II fluorescence vascular images with enhanced detail representation.MethodsThis section presents the proposed method as shown in Fig. 1. In this work, we aim to learn how to map from tubular structure masks to realistic NIR-II fluorescence modality for vascular images. Specifically, this method employs a CycleGAN-based network architecture composed of two generators, two discriminators, and a feature network. The network uses vascular binary mask images and NIR-II vascular images as inputs. Generator G_AB is tasked with converting mask images into fake NIR-II images, while generator G_BA converts NIR-II images back into fake mask images, ensuring both forward and backward cycle consistency.Fig. 1The framework of the proposed approach.Full size imageBasic generative frameworkThis study employs CycleGAN as the primary framework, aiming to achieve unsupervised translation of unpaired images. The CycleGAN architecture consists of two generators and two discriminators, forming two adversarial networks. Through the adversarial interplay between the generators and discriminators, the model is able to generate high-quality NIR-II vascular images.Generator and discriminatorAccording to our design, the generator consists of multiple convolutional layers, downsampling layers, and a series of residual blocks, effectively capturing and processing the essential features of the input data. The short-distance skip connections within the residual blocks facilitate smoother gradient flow, alleviating the issue of gradient disappearance. When the input is x, the feature representations extracted at each layer are as follows45:$$\mathcal{F}_{G}^{0}=Con{v^1}(x)$$(2)$$\mathcal{F}_{G}^{1}=Down(Down(\mathcal{F}_{G}^{0}))$$(3)$$\mathcal{F}_{G}^{2}={\text{Res}}(\mathcal{F}_{G}^{1})$$(4)$$\mathcal{F}_{G}^{3}=Up(Up(\mathcal{F}_{G}^{2}))$$(5)$$\mathcal{F}_{G}^{4}=Con{v^2}(\mathcal{F}_{G}^{3})$$(6)where Conv1 represents a series of sequential operations, including padding, a convolutional layer (with a kernel size of 7), the instance normalization, and the ReLU activation function. Down denotes the downsampling operation, which includes a convolutional layer (kernel size = 3 and stride = 2), instance normalization, and the ReLU activation function. Res consists of 9 residual blocks. Up is the upsampling operation, composed of a transposed convolutional layer (with a kernel size of 3 and stride of 2), instance normalization, and ReLU activation function. The difference between Conv1 and Conv2 is that in Conv2, the activation function is tanh.With the generator designed to effectively produce high-quality outputs, the discriminator plays a crucial complementary role in the GAN-based model. It utilizes the PatchGAN architecture, comprising multiple convolutional layers and normalization operations, thereby enhancing the model’s ability to capture fine-grained details while maintaining computational efficiency. This synergy between the generator and discriminator is essential for improving the overall performance of our system.Loss function of cycleganDuring the training of CycleGAN, both adversarial loss and cycle consistency loss are introduced25. Adversarial loss encourages the generators to produce more realistic images, while cycle consistency loss ensures the reversibility of the transformation process, allowing the original input images to be effectively reconstructed after the transformation. This design not only improves the quality of the generated images but also improves the stability of the model. The details of the adversarial loss25 are as follows:$${\mathcal{L}_{GAN}}({G_Y},{D_Y},X,Y)={E_{y\sim {p_{data}}(y)}}[\log {D_Y}(y)]+{E_{x\sim {p_{data}}(x)}}[\log (1 - {D_Y}({G_Y}(x)))]$$(7)where the generator GY is responsible for translating images from the source domain X to the target domain Y, while the discriminator DY determines the authenticity of the data. Equation 7 is similar to Eq. 1. During the training process, the generator aims to minimize the adversarial loss, while the discriminator attempts to maximize it. Through this adversarial interplay, the generated data can become increasingly similar to the actual data distribution.The adversarial loss for the transformation from the target domain Y back to the source domain X can be expressed as LGAN(GX, DX, Y, X). The total adversarial loss25 is:$${\mathcal{L}_{GAN}}={\mathcal{L}_{GAN}}({G_Y},{D_Y},X,Y)+{\mathcal{L}_{GAN}}({G_X},{D_X},Y,X)$$(8)The cycle consistency loss25can be expressed by the following:$${\mathcal{L}_{cyc}}({G_Y},{G_X})={E_{x\sim {p_{data}}(x)}}\left[ {{{\left\| {{G_X}({G_Y}(x)) - x} \right\|}_1}} \right]+{E_{y\sim {p_{data}}(y)}}\left[ {{{\left\| {{G_Y}({G_X}(y)) - y} \right\|}_1}} \right]$$(9)In an ideal scenario, the image x from the source domain X should remain unchanged after being processed by the generators GY and GX. To achieve this, the generators actively strive to minimize the cycle consistency loss. Within the context of medical image processing, cycle consistency loss is essential, as it ensures reliable transformations between different image domains. By incorporating this loss, the model ensures that the generated images accurately preserve the characteristics of both the source and target domains, leading to transformations that closely align with the input images.Additionally, we introduce identity loss46 to encourage consistency in color composition between the input and output. The calculation of identity loss is as follows:$${\mathcal{L}_{idt}}({G_Y},{G_X})={E_{y\sim {p_{data}}(y)}}\left[ {{{\left\| {{G_Y}(y) - y} \right\|}_1}} \right]+{E_{x\sim {p_{data}}(x)}}\left[ {{{\left\| {{G_X}(x) - x} \right\|}_1}} \right]$$(10)By minimizing identity loss, the generator can approach identity mapping when processing real samples, thereby enhancing the overall quality of the generated images.Feature networkThis approach integrates a feature network into the basic architecture, leveraging a pre-trained VGG-19-based model to capture rich information from images. Previous studies47,46,49on attention mechanisms in style transfer often focused on deep CNN features while overlooking low-level textures, leading to local distortions. Inspired by the paper50, this approach extracts features from various convolutional layers of the VGG-19-based network51, including both shallow and deep features, achieving a more comprehensive feature representation. This combination not only mitigates local distortions but also enhances the naturalness and realism of the generated images. Furthermore, incorporating multi-level features improves the effectiveness of our attention mechanism in capturing essential details and structures within the images. The structure diagram of the feature network is shown in Fig. 2.Fig. 2The diagram of the feature network.Full size imageContent lossIn the subsequent calculations, for the sake of convenience, the input source domain images are denoted as Ic, the input target domain image as Is, and the generated image as Ics. The feature network is represented as a series of consecutive CNN layers. When these images are input into the feature network, the features obtained from a specific layer λ are denoted as \(\Psi _{c}^{\lambda }\), \(\Psi _{s}^{\lambda }\), and \(\Psi _{cs}^{\lambda }\), respectively.To ensure that the generated image maintains content consistency with the source domain image, content loss is introduced. Specifically, the features of both the generated image and the source domain image are normalized to eliminate the effects of different scales and distributions. By comparing the mean squared error between these normalized features, we can effectively assess their content similarity. This process not only emphasizes the preservation of overall structure but also ensures the accurate conveyance of details, resulting in high-quality image generation. The content loss52 can be calculated as follows:$${\mathcal{L}_{cont}}=\sum\limits_{{\lambda =1}}^{4} {{{\left\| {Norm(\Psi _{{cs}}^{\lambda }) - Norm(\Psi _{c}^{\lambda })} \right\|}_2}}$$(11)where Norm here denotes channel-wise mean-variance normalization.Style lossFirst, based on the studies in48,50,53, the global style loss is introduced to ensure that the generated image is consistent with the global statistical features of the target domain image and effectively transmits the overall style. This loss function enhances the similarity between the generated image and the target image by comparing their feature means and variances, ensuring a comprehensive representation of the style characteristics48:$${\mathcal{L}_{gs}}=\sum\limits_{{\lambda =1}}^{4} {\left( {{{\left\| {E(\Psi _{{cs}}^{\lambda }) - E(\Psi _{s}^{\lambda })} \right\|}_2}+{{\left\| {Std(\Psi _{{cs}}^{\lambda }) - Std(\Psi _{s}^{\lambda })} \right\|}_2}} \right)}$$(12)where Std(*) represents the operation for calculating the standard deviation.The introduction of local style loss aims to ensure that the model produces outputs that are consistent with the target image’s style at the level of local features, making the generated images more visually appealing. This loss function is designed to leverage attention mechanisms proposed in50, by calculating attention weights based on the content features generated from the source domain image and the style features from the target domain image.The attention mechanism effectively combines content and style features by generating attention-weighted mean and variance maps from the content and style feature, resulting in the target feature map, as shown in Fig. 3. This method adjusts based on each feature point, enhancing the accuracy and flexibility of feature transfer. Specifically, the attention mechanism dynamically generates attention maps by calculating the similarity between content and style features, allowing the model to focus on important feature regions, thereby optimizing the generation results. The local loss function penalizes the differences between the target feature map and the generated image’s feature maps, ensuring their distributions align for effective local modality transfer. The calculation flowchart of the target feature map can be seen as follows:Fig. 3The calculation flowchart of the target feature map.Full size imageFor ψλ∈ℝCλxHλWλ, the feature layers from layers below λ are first interpolated to match the size of ψλ, and then channel-wise mean-variance normalization is applied:$$\mathcal{N}_{c}^{\lambda }=Norm(Concat(Interp(\Psi _{c}^{{0:\lambda - 1}}),\Psi _{c}^{\lambda }))$$(13)where Interp refers to the interpolation of feature maps, and Concat is concatenating different feature maps along the channel dimension. By applying the same operation, we can obtain the output of the style feature map at this step.Next, matrix multiplication on the two normalized feature maps is performed and the Softmax function is applied to obtain the attention map.$$\mathcal{A}={\text{Softmax}}(\mathcal{N}_{c}^{\lambda } \otimes \mathcal{N}_{s}^{\lambda })$$(14)The attention-weighted mean and attention-weighted variance are calculated as follows:$$mean=\mathcal{A} \otimes \Psi _{s}^{\lambda }$$(15)$$Std=\sqrt {{\text{Rel}}u(\mathcal{A} \otimes {{(\Psi _{s}^{\lambda })}^2} - mea{n^2})}$$(16)The obtained statistical information is utilized to compute the target features:$$\Phi _{{att}}^{\lambda }=Std\cdot Norm(\Psi _{c}^{\lambda })+mean$$(17)where \(\cdot\) denotes the Hadamard product of matrices.The local style loss50 is calculated as the difference between the feature maps of the generated and target images:$${\mathcal{L}_{ls}}=\sum\limits_{{\lambda =1}}^{4} {{{\left\| {\Psi _{{cs}}^{\lambda } - \Phi _{{att}}^{\lambda }} \right\|}_2}}$$(18)Total lossThe total loss is defined as follows:$${\mathcal{L}_{total}}={\mathcal{L}_{GAN}}+{\gamma _{cyc}}{\mathcal{L}_{cyc}}+{\gamma _{idt}}{\mathcal{L}_{idt}}+{\gamma _{cont}}{\mathcal{L}_{cont}}+{\gamma _{gs}}{\mathcal{L}_{gs}}+{\gamma _{ls}}{\mathcal{L}_{ls}}$$(19)where the coefficients γ control the contribution of each loss term, allowing for flexible tuning of the model’s performance based on specific tasks or dataset characteristics.ExperimentDatasets and preprocessingData acquisitionThe NIR-II fluorescence imaging was performed using an imaging system developed by the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prior to the imaging procedure, the mice were anesthetized using isoflurane and intravenously injected with 0.35 mL of quantum dots (QDs) as a fluorescent tracer. The fluorescence was excited using two 808 nm fiber-coupled lasers, and the emitted fluorescence signal was captured by the NIRvana 640 InGaAs camera (Princeton, USA). To ensure accurate detection of the NIR-II fluorescence, a long-pass filter with a cutoff wavelength of 1250 nm was used. The animals were euthanized by overdose of anesthesia.The segmentation masks from the DRIVE54, STARE55, and CHASE_DB138 retinal image datasets are selected as the source domain data. In the datasets, all mask images were manually segmented by experts using standard image annotation tools, ensuring high-quality and accurate delineation of the vascular structures. Specifically, the DRIVE dataset provides 40 segmentation masks (565 × 584 pixels), the STARE dataset includes 20 masks (700 × 605 pixels), and the CHASE_DB1 dataset contains 28 masks (999 × 960 pixels).Image preprocessingFor preprocessing the source domain datasets, we first adjust the image contrast and apply OTSU thresholding to obtain the foreground mask when it is not provided. The radius of this circular mask is used to crop the image with the smallest enclosing rectangle of the optic disc. Given the varying sizes of these datasets, all datasets are resized to 512 × 512 pixels. To ensure the vessel sizes in the masks match those in the NIR-II images, a 400 × 400 region centered on the image is extracted and resized to 300 × 300 pixels. Subsequently, both source domain images (retinal masks) and target domain images (NIR-II images) are cropped into 128 × 128 pixel patches, resulting in a final dataset of 792 images from the retinal dataset and 406 images from the NIR-II dataset. The dataset is then divided into a training set and a test set at a 7:3 ratio.Experimental and setupEight representative methods were used to compare with the model, including DCGAN26, SAGAN39, WGAN27, WAN-GP36, Eigengan56, CycleGAN25, U-GAT-IT40, HiSD43.The Adam optimizer was used with an initial learning rate of 0.0002, a batch size of 1, and a total of 400 epochs for training. In this study, the hyperparameters are set as γcyc = 10, γidt = 5, and γcont, γgs, γls are set to 0.01, 0.002, and 0.001, respectively.Experimental resultsSubjective visual effectsFigure 4 shows the results of different generative models in generating NIR-II fluorescence vascular images. The leftmost column displays the input vascular structures, clearly depicting the outlines and branches of the vessels, providing foundational information for subsequent generations. Next to it, the right column showcases the authentic NIR-II fluorescence images.The images generated by DCGAN are relatively blurry, with unclear vessel edges and noise present in certain areas. Although they capture the basic shape of the vessels, the overall quality is inferior to that of the real images. In contrast, SAGAN shows improvement in generation effects, producing clearer images with richer details compared to DCGAN; however, some areas still appear unnatural, and the contrast is lacking. Images generated by WGAN show enhanced detail retention, with the vascular structures becoming more pronounced, though some parts still exhibit blurriness. WGAN-GP performs better in terms of clarity and contrast, resulting in a significant quality improvement in the generated images. On the other hand, Eigengan’s generated images appear overly smooth, lacking detail, especially in the representation of small vascular structures, leading to a deficit in realism. CycleGAN’s generated images show improved visual effects, adequately reproducing vascular structures with high detail clarity, but there remains room for enhancement in contrast, as some areas appear slightly blurred. U-GAT-IT generates images with outstanding detail and contrast, effectively reproducing the shapes and structures of the vessels, with an overall effect close to that of real images. Although HiSD generates images with high clarity, they are overly smooth, resulting in lower brightness of the vascular structures and a noticeable gap from the authentic images. Compared with the above methods, our method demonstrates better visual effects, with generated images closely resembling real NIR-II images in terms of detail and contrast, featuring clear vascular structures and natural shapes, showcasing superior realism and visual quality.Fig. 4The visual comparison results of different methods.Full size imageObjective evaluationIn this study, the Fréchet Inception Distance (FID)57and Kernel Inception Distance (KID)58are used to quantitatively evaluate the performance of the model in generating NIR-II fluorescence vascular images. FID is a widely used quality assessment metric in the field of image generation, measuring the distance between the distributions of generated images and real images in feature space, as extracted by the pre-trained Inception model59. KID is another important metric for assessing image quality in generative models. Similar to FID, KID utilizes a pre-trained Inception network to extract features, providing a measure of similarity between the distributions of real and generated images. However, it employs the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) to evaluate the distance between these two distributions, using a kernel-based approach to capture their characteristics, which makes KID particularly reliable for evaluations with smaller sample sizes and offers clearer performance feedback. The lower FID and KID scores indicate a closer similarity between the distributions of real and generated images, suggesting better quality and diversity of the generated samples.From Table 1, it can be seen that the proposed method achieves the lowest scores on the FID and KID metrics, with values of 55.75322 and 1.6025 ± 0.1249, respectively. This is consistent with the visual analysis results in Fig. 4, indicating the high similarity between the generated images and the real images.Table 1 The quantitative comparison results of different methods based on the FID and kid×100 ± std.×100.Full size tableDiscussionIn this study, a GAN-based method is proposed to generate realistic NIR-II fluorescence vascular images from vascular masks. The primary objective of this work is to provide an effective solution to the challenge of limited NIR-II medical imaging datasets. By transforming vascular masks into high-quality synthetic NIR-II images, the method addresses the issues of data scarcity and the considerable effort required for manual image annotation. Ultimately, these advancements are expected to enhance the application of deep learning techniques in the field of NIR-II fluorescence imaging.Though this method has achieved significant results, it is essential to take into account its limitations. The size of the dataset plays a critical role in the performance of deep learning models. In our study, given the potential scarcity of the NIR-II fluorescence vascular imaging dataset, it could pose challenges to the training and generalization capabilities of the model. Additionally, the computational resources also limit its application. The GAN-based model architecture requires significant computational resources. While the model performs well with the available dataset, scaling the model to handle even larger, more diverse datasets would require significant computational resources, which could limit its applicability in resource-constrained environments. What’s more, the validation of the algorithm is limited to mice NIR-II vascular images. To improve the applicability of the method in clinical settings, further validation is essential on more diverse datasets, including both animal and human images. In future research, we will focus on expanding the dataset by collecting additional NIR-II fluorescence vascular images from diverse sources, which will enhance the model’s ability to generalize across various clinical scenarios. Additionally, we plan to explore model optimization techniques, such as pruning and transfer learning, as well as leverage more computationally efficient architectures, which will not only improve the model’s scalability but also reduce its dependence on extensive computational resources, allowing it to effectively handle larger, more diverse datasets in future applications.ConclusionsIn this study, an unsupervised approach utilizing a GAN-based architecture is proposed for generating NIR-II fluorescence vascular images. This method effectively translates vessel masks into realistic NIR-II images, addressing the challenge of limited datasets in NIR-II medical imaging. By integrating an attention mechanism, the quality and detail of the generated images are enhanced, ensuring the preservation of both style and content. Experimental results demonstrate that our method is superior to existing baseline techniques in terms of visual quality and quantitative analysis, providing a robust solution for advancing NIR-II vascular imaging applications.Data availabilityThe datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.ReferencesYu, X. et al. Deciphering of cerebrovasculatures via ICG-assisted NIR-II fluorescence microscopy. J. Mater. Chem. B 7, 6623-6629 (2019).Article  PubMed  Google Scholar Lou, H. et al. A novel NIR-II nanoprobe for precision imaging of micro-meter sized tumor metastases of multi-organs and skin flap. Chem. Eng. J. 449, 137848 (2022).Article  Google Scholar Cao, Z. et al. 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H.S., H.L., and S.L. conducted investigations and provided resources. S.F. conducted investigations and curated data. M.C. worked on visualization. Y.L. curated data. J.C. conceptualized the study and supervised the work. F.C. conceptualized the study and methodology.Corresponding authorCorrespondence to Fuchun Chen.Ethics declarationsCompeting interestsThe authors declare no competing interests.Ethical approvalThis animal study was approved by the Animal Care Committee of the Laboratory Animal from Fudan University (Number:2020 华山医院 JS-646). 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