By Anirban BanerjeeModified Feb 20, 2025 00:46 GMT Follow Us Follow UsThe star approached her (Credit: Ripley has now reacted to an offer from Logan Paul. The star had made her quite an offer.Logan Paul has been a top name for some time in WWE, with him showing up and trying to claim a place in the upper echelons of the company. So far, he's tried to get into it with several top stars, and even tried to teach Tiffany Stratton how to wrestle. Now, the star has made an offer to Rhea Ripley as well, but she's had a different reaction than Stratton.In his recent vlog on his YouTube, Paul showcased his interaction with Ripley. While he wanted to teach Stratton how to wrestle, Paul actually made an offer to Ripley that she may not turn down as clearly. He wanted to help her out with merchandise, and even offered her a t-shirt based on her catchphrase - "This is my Brutality." He offered her a "This is my Brutali-T-shirt." He showed her a white t-shirt with the catchphrase written on it in marker. He said that she didn't owe him anything for the t-shirt. She joked that her dad would love it.While Logan Paul said that she didn't owe him anything for that t-shirt, he suggested that they should work together with more merchandise. Rhea Ripley appeared to accept what he was saying, but the moment he turned around, she threw it into the dustbin with quite some ferocity.The star rejected him and his idea with quite some emphasis. After this, it will be interesting to see what Logan Paul does next.Why did you not like this content?Clickbait / MisleadingFactually IncorrectHateful or AbusiveBaseless OpinionToo Many AdsOtherWas this article helpful?Thank You for feedbackQuick LinksMore from SportskeedaEdited by Harish Raj SMore from Sportskeeda`;if (index == 3 && isOpera) {storyHTML += ``;}recommendedArticlesContainer.innerHTML += storyHTML;});}}function recommendedArticles() {var baseUrl = "";pureJSAjaxGet(baseUrl, function(data) {renderRecommendedArticles(data);if (isOpera) {renderOperaFeedAd();}}, function() {}, false);}var options = {root: null,rootMargin: "0px 0px 70% 0px",threshold: 0.1};var observer = new IntersectionObserver(function (entries) {entries.forEach(function (entry) {if (entry.isIntersecting) {recommendedArticles();observer.unobserve(;}});}, options);var targetElement;if (showAlsoReadSection && !showAlsoReadSectionV2) {targetElement = document.querySelector('.also-read-articles-container');} else {targetElement = document.querySelector('.recommended-posts');}if (targetElement) {observer.observe(targetElement);}function renderOperaFeedAd() {var operaFeedArticleAd = $(".opera-article-feed-ad");if (!operaFeedArticleAd) {return;}var firstScript= document.createElement('script');firstScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");firstScript.setAttribute("src", "");firstScript.setAttribute("async", true);firstScript.setAttribute("crossorigin", "anonymous");operaFeedArticleAd.appendChild(firstScript);operaFeedArticleAd.innerHTML += ``;var secondScript = document.createElement('script');var secondScriptCode = '(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});';try {secondScript.appendChild(document.createTextNode(secondScriptCode));operaFeedArticleAd.appendChild(secondScript);} catch (e) {console.error(e);}}})();]]>Fetching more content... GIFCancel